Guardian Brands is the custodian of high quality, high perceived-value premium brands in the jewellery and watch sectors. We painstakingly assess the brands we represent and, above all, we ensure that we develop long lasting relationships with our retailers.
Conversation, interaction and connection. For us, this really is the key; without face-to-face meeting time, we believe that not only do our brands suffer but so do your consumers. The products we offer become intensely personal and that’s why we believe the entire experience should be that way too.
We aren’t mainstream. But that doesn’t make us out-of-reach. We believe that great products and close relationships translate into a well-cared for community of retailers who can pass on this support and happiness to consumers.
Beyond our website is a team of people just as passionate as you are. Whatever it is you’re looking for or however we can help, get in touch here.